
Clarkston Village Players publishes monthly newsletters for CVP Members and the Community. If you’d like to sign up to receive our Community Newsletter email your request to

Recent Newsletters

CVP September 2019 Community Newsletter Final

CVP March 2019 Community Newsletter

CVP September 2018 Community Newsletter

CVP August 2018 Community Newsletter

Upcoming Events

Oct. 20 & 21 – Auditions for Vino Veritas at 7:00 PM

Oct. 29 – Murder Mystery for Clarkston Chamber of Commerce

Nov. 8 – 23 – The Great Gatsby (drama)

December 7 & 8 – Red vs the Wolf (Children’s show / all ages)

Jan. 10 – 25, 2020 – Vino Veritas (comedy)

Mar. 6 – 21, 2020 – Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Jersey Lily (mystery)

May 1 – 16, 2020 –  TBA

May – August 2020 – CVP Youth Theatre Summer Workshop


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